Your Team May Need a “Reset”: Recognizing the Need for Change

By Nathan Bachofsky, M.Ed.

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and project management, it’s crucial for teams to adapt and grow continuously. Sometimes, however, even the most cohesive and high-performing teams can hit a roadblock or face challenges that necessitate a “reset.” A team reset is not about starting from scratch but rather about recalibrating and revitalizing the team’s dynamics, goals, and strategies. In this blog post, we’ll explore some common signs that indicate your team may be in need of a reset.

New Team Members or Team Growth

Sign: An influx of new team members or significant team growth.

Reason: Team dynamics can shift dramatically when new members join the group. Established routines and communication patterns may no longer be effective. Integrating new team members seamlessly can be challenging, and it may be necessary to reset team expectations, roles, and goals to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Our Tbird Approach: Our experienced, certified facilitators create teaming workshops to clarify roles, image, expectations, responsibilities, and more. Participants learns about their personal and colleague’s DiSC work styles and how to use it to improve communication and understanding. 

New Challenges on the Horizon

Sign: The team faces new, complex challenges or tasks.

Reason: As your organization grows, it’s likely to encounter more intricate problems that require fresh perspectives and strategies. If your team’s existing methods aren’t effective for tackling these challenges, a reset can help you brainstorm innovative solutions.

Our Tbird Approach: Our facilitators are artists at crafting action-planning workshops that not only tap into the collective wisdom of the entire group, but also support the organization in its implementation. 

The Need for Innovation

Sign: Stagnation in creative output or lack of innovative ideas.

Reason: Teams can become complacent, relying on tried-and-true methods that may no longer be effective. If you’re not seeing the creative spark or innovative solutions you once did, it’s time for a reset to reignite that passion for innovation.

Our Tbird Approach: An Innovation Summit made be just the initiative to bring the greater community together to collaborate on new possibilities. Our Creativity Workshop series may also jump start your organization’s creativity to think of new and innovative ways to address needs and challenges. 

Strengthening Team Dynamics

Sign: Erosion of trust, increased conflict, or reduced collaboration among team members.

Reason: Over time, team dynamics can deteriorate due to miscommunication, differing priorities, or unresolved conflicts. A reset can help rebuild trust and foster healthier relationships among team members.

Our Tbird Approach: Our teaming workshops and team retreats can help members to practice team-building activities, open communication where team members can voice concerns and find common ground. Mediation services can also be provided to help manage conflicts. 

Decline in Motivation and Productivity

Sign: A noticeable drop in team motivation and productivity levels.

Reason: When team members lose sight of their purpose or become disengaged, it can have a detrimental effect on productivity. A reset can reignite enthusiasm by revisiting the team’s mission, setting achievable goals, and offering support and recognition.

Our Tbird Approach: Organizational assessments help to identify successes and opportunities for growth. They include 1:1 interviews with leadership, focus groups, and staff surveys. 

Employee Burnout and High Turnover Rates

Sign: Increased instances of employee burnout or high turnover rates.

Reason: When team members are consistently overwhelmed or disengaged, it can lead to burnout and attrition. A reset can help identify and address the root causes of these issues.

Our Tbird Approach: In addition to all of the mentioned above, a Reflect, Rejuvenate & Thrive workshop can help your team focus on their own 

Recognizing the signs that your team may need a “reset” is the first step towards achieving greater efficiency, collaboration, and innovation. Teams that are willing to adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances are more likely to achieve long-term success. Embrace the opportunity to reset your team’s dynamics and strategies, and watch as it grows stronger and more resilient in the face of challenges. Remember, a reset is not a setback; it’s a chance for your team to thrive in the ever-changing world of business.